
Fundamental Principles

Panteion University respects in full the principles of non discrimination set out in the program and ensure equal access and opportunities to mobile participants from all backgrounds. It ensures full recognition for satisfactorily completed activities of study mobility and traineeships in terms of credits awarded. The successful completion of the study period abroad for each of the selected courses mentioned in the Learning Agreement is full recognized by awarding ECTS and exempting the students from equivalent requirements they are supposed to fulfill in order to graduate. We include all satisfactorily completed study or traineeship mobility activities in the final record of student achievements. Our Institution has already adopted the ECTS which is designed to guarantee the quality, the transparency and the full academic recognition of the student. The credits for each course unit followed by our students abroad are allocated and accepted by both the academic coordinator of the Bilateral Agreement and the Departmental Coordinator of the student’s department according to the Transcript Records, duly approved by the host institution. For the outgoing  as well as for the incoming students, they  can be awarded the ECTS credits after having attended and successfully completed a course according to the pre-signed Learning Agreement and having taken part in examinations which leads to a successful completion and approval of the student’s knowledge and skills. The adopted academic credit system emerges from Bologna Convention in accordance either the Greek Higher Education necessities, given that a great number of fundamental operational and academic principles are under revision.
Local grading system:

Pass Grades: 5 to 10
Grade Range:    0 to 4,99: Fail
                        5 to 6,49: Good
                        6,5 to 8,49: Very Good
                        8,5 to 10: Excellent