




Professor of History
Academic Coordinator for Erasmus

University of Bologna, Forli Campus, Italy.
International Conference 10-11 December, 2010. “From Memory to Europe”
Participation with paper “Metaxas, a dictator of compromise 1936-1940”.

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
International Conference 16-20 March 2011  “Strikes and Social Conflicts”.
Participation with paper “A Fighting Army in Revolt”

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.
International Conference 18-20 April, 2012  “The Many”
Participation with paper “The Historiography of Contemporary Greece”

European Left, Portaria in Pelion, Greece.
International Conference 17-22 July, 2012 “European Left Summer University”
Participation with paper “On the historiography of the decade 1940-1950”

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
International Colloquium 24-26 October, 2012  “The Collapse of the Dictators”
Participation with paper “The Collapse of the Dictatorship in Greece (1967-1974). Causes and Results.

Papastratis Procopis, “Revolt and War. The Greek Armed Forces in the Middle East during the Second World War”. In A.Simoes do Paco, Raquel Varela, Sjaak van der Velden (coordination), “Strikes and Social Conflicts, towards a global history”. International Strikes and Social Conflicts”,  Instituto de Historia Contemporanea da Faculdade de Ciencias Sociais e Humanas, Universidade  Nuova de Lisboa, Lisbon June 2012  IBSN978-972-96844-1-8

Τeaching Mobility:

In Universita degli Studi di Siena 23-27 October 2010 as Local Module Director for the Department of Political Science and History, Panteion University, in the Master Examinations in European Studies “The Process of Building Europe” of the Universita degli Studi di Siena (coordinated by Professor Ariane Landuyt).
In Universita degli Studi di Firenze, Dipartimento di Studi sullo Stato, 22-27 June 2012
In Universitat de Valencia Dipartimento de Metafisica y Teoria del Conocimiento, Faculta de Filosofia y CC.EE, 17-24 February 2013.

Ιnvitations within the context of the Erasmus Bilateral Agreement between our Universities,
(Dpt of Political Science and History):

Invitation to Professor Nicholas Sanchez Dura of the Universitat de Valencia , Spain. He taught courses to the undergraduate students and gave a seminar to the post-graduate programme “On Culture, Liberalism and Multiculturalism”, Nov.10 to Nov.16, 2010

Invitation to Professor Francisco Marco Viciano of the Universitat Jaume I,Castello, Spain. He gave lectures from May 26 to June 6, 2011.

Invitation to Professor Iwona Jakimovicz-Ostrowska member of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia, Poland.
She gave lectures in my post-graduate seminars, from Nov.29 to Dec.4, 2011.


Referee for the Journal “Workers of the World. International Journal on Strikes and Social Conflicts”. Title of the paper “Greek trade union movement in controversy: against a state-centred approach on labour movement’s theory”
Revised: 29 April 2012
Referee for the Journal “ Workers of the Worlds..” Title of paper: “Social struggles during the German Occupation in Greece (1940-1944): Their contribution to the cancellation of the transfer of Greek workers to Germany and the development of a massive resistance movement in Greece”
Expected revision : June 15, 2013.


Associate Professor, Department of Political Science and History
International cooperation – networks 2012-2013

International Conferences – invited talks:
·         Georgiadou, V., Kafe, A. & Nezi, R., “The Radical Right Parties under the economic crisis. The Greek case”, presented at the conference of Political Studies Association (PSA), Belfast, 3rd April 2012.
·         Georgiadou, V., Griechenland hat gewählt – eine Einordnung des Ergebnisses, invited lecture at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 9th May 2012.
·         Georgiadou, V., Griechenland nach den Wahlen und das Aufkommen des Rechtsextremismus, invited lecture at the Hannah Arendt Institute for the Study of Extremism, Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, 16th May 2012.
·         Georgiadou, V., Kafe, A., Nezi, R. & Pieridis, C., Anti-Party, Anti-Parliamentary or Anti-Democratic Social Movements? The “Outraged” Citizens of Greece. presented at the conference of International Political Science Association (IPSA), Madrid, 8th Juli 2012.
·         Georgiadou, V. , Konstantinidis, Y., Dinas, I., Marantzidis, N. & Rori, L., New political opportunity for a new part family? The case of Golden Dawn in Greece, presented at the conference of International Political Science Association (IPSA), Madrid, 10th Juli 2012.
·         Georgiadou, V., “Die parteipolitische Landschaft in Griechenland während der Finanzkrise. Der Fall der rechtsextremen Goldenen Morgenröte”, invited lecture at the Fernuniversität Hagen, 2nd February 2013.
·         Georgiadou, V., “Die parteipolitische Landschaft in Griechenland während der Finanzkrise. Der Fall der rechtsextremen Goldenen Morgenröte”, invited lecture at the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 4th February 2013.
·         Georgiadou, V. & Rori, L., “Issues of tolerance and the situation in Greece”, invited lecture at Open Society, Bukarest, 18th february 2013.
·         Georgiadou, V., “Preventing violent extremism: The case of Greece”, invited lecture at Radicalisation Awareness Network, Athens, 11th April 2013.
·         Georgiadou, V., “Die radikalen Rechte in Europa: Trends and Handlungsfelder”, invited lecture at the conference “Die Anderen sind Wir”, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Berlin, 27th May 2013.

Research Group Leader in the THALIS EU research program “Designing & Operating an Infrastructure for the Empirical Inquiry of Political & Social Radicalism in Greece” (Principal investigator: Ioannis Konstantinidis, University of Macedonia).

Memberships, Networks, etc.:
Referee in journals such as South European Society and Politics, Science and Society, etc.
Member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the Political Studies Association (PSA), UK and the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG), which is a Research Network within PSA.
May 2012: been invited as a research fellow at the Hannah Arendt Institute for the Study of Extremism, Technical University of Dresden.
April 2013: Professor Dorothée de Neve (University of Hagen/Germany), been invited from me and the Centre for Political Research, gave a talk titled “Post-democracy and political participation”.
Since 2012: member of Greek Elections, Public Opinion and Parties Group (GrEPOP), which is a specialist group of the Hellenic Political Science Association bringing together scholars from all over the world specialized in elections, public opinion and political parties.
Since 2006: Counsellor for Scholarships in the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).


International activity:
1. “Aspects of national and social consciousness in the codicil of Evangelos Achillopoulos”, Cairo, November 2001.
2. “A Hellenic century in Cairo”, The Athens Concert Hall, October 2005. Bilingual (English / Greek) proceedings.
3. “Hellenic-Egyptian cultural interaction”. Cairo, April 2006.
4. Radio interview in Cairo, Greek Radio 5 (16-4-2008) on “Greeks in Egypt” and international transmission via Internet.
5. Radio interview on NOVA channel (26-6-2008) on “The Greek Flight” and international transmission via Interent.
6. Two years of research on Egypt’s Archives in cooperation with Panteion University and the Greek community of Cairo.
7. Publication of catalogue of the Historical Archive of the Cairo Greek community, Cairo 2010.
8. Visiting professor at Al-Azhar University, Cairo.
9. Contribution to the book «Women, Gender, and Diasporic Lives »,Lexington Books, Ν.Υ, 2009.
10. Editor of “Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora” since 2008.
11. “Egyptiot benefaction: History and Ideology”. 3rd European Congress of the Society of Neohellenic Studies”, Bucharest, June 2006.
12. “Egyptiot benefaction and volunteerism”, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 19/20 October 2012.
13. Paper presentation on “Hellenic Diaspora” as a guest of the London Hellenic Center (October 2012).
14. Director of the Society for the Study of Hellenic Diaspora” and creation of bilingual (Greek/English) website (www.hellenicdiaspora.com) for the uploading of papers and topics on Hellenic Diaspora.
15. Organizing of the International Meeting “The Flight of Egyptiot Greeks”- Proceedings in English (Journal of Hellenic Diaspora - special issue, vl. 35.2, N.Y. 2009).


International Affiliations - Intellectual Exchanges - Research Networks
2013-2012 I have been working with Professor Suman Gupta of the Open University and Dr John Seed, of the University of Roehampton. We are seeking funding from the Leverhulme Foundation in the UK to establish a research network between colleagues in Greece and the UK. If successful we will be organising funded conferences in 2014-15 at the Panteion University in Athens and in London. These will be precisely focused with pre-circulated papers and, it is planned, will eventuate in publications in English.

2013-2012 The course “Explanatory Paradigms: An Introduction To Historical Theory” 'Explanatory Paradigms in History' [ Institute of Historical Research, University of London], aimed at English Ph.D students in History, is focused on methods and theoretical perspectives in historical research. 2012: been invited back to teach one of the sessions -- and the invitation has been repeated for 2013. 
2009-2010 Participation in the seminar: Art of the World in London, [Dr. Rupert Richard Arrowsmith & Dr. Paul O’ Kane], July - August 2010, School of Oriental and Asian Studies, University of London.

2008-2009 Participation in the seminar: “Explanatory Paradigms: An Introduction To Historical Theory” (Prof John Tosh, Dr John Seed, Prof Sally Alexander,), April 2008 - July 2009, The Institute of Historical Research, University of London.

2005-2006 Participation in the Research Programme PYTHAGORAS II, Topic: Greece-Balkans: Multiculturalism and Anti-nationalist Discourse, Scientific Manager: Giorgos Angelopoulos, Assistant Professor, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Eastern Studies, University of Macedonia.

·         “Some thoughts on the Social Context of the Postmodern Turn to Reflexivity in Historiography”, European Sociological Association, Social Theory Research Network, Conference on “Conversations in Contexts”, Prague 9-11 September 2010.

·         “Towards a Reflexive Historiography: A Critical Approach of the Postmodern Challenge”, European Social Science History Conference, Ghent, Belgium, 13-16 April 2010.

·         “The phenomenology of multiculturalism”, Multiculturalism: Interdisciplinary approaches, University of Macedonia, 12 May 2006.

·         “Body, Limits and Individual: the power of the will”. International Interdisciplinary Symposium Body, Education and Empirical Knowledge. Social-Cultural Practices and Aspects of Non-Verbal Communication and Narrative, University of Crete, Department of Preschool Education, Rethymnon, 5-6 November 2004.

·         “Thoughts on a Historical Sociology of Rebetiko and of ‘Rebetology’: Rebetiko as a Cultural Object”, “Researching Rebetika: Present Projects and Future Prospects”, Hydra, 18-21 October 2001.


International activity
Seraphim Seferiades (PhD Columbia University, 1998) IS
.       a Life Member at the University of Cambridge (CLH).
2.       a Fellow in Politics & History at the University of Cambridge (CHU) between 1999-2001, he has also been
3.       a Hannah Seeger Davis Fellow at Princeton University (1997-1998)
4.       a Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute (1998-1999) and
5.       Senior Room Member at the University of Oxford (St Peter’s College) (2007-2008)

He serves at the Editorial Board of
1.       Mobilization, the International Quarterly Review of Social Movement Research and
2.       the International Political Science Review
In Greece, he serves at the Editorial Board of
·         the Greek Political Science Review and
·         Anadromes, an Historical Journal
·         He has edited a special issue on ‘Greece in Crisis’ of the international review Role Sud (forthcoming June 2013)

Activity in the context of the ERASMUS program
1.       Università degli Studi di Trento, Trento, Italy (2008-2010, 2012-2013) –postgraduate teaching and conference organizer
2.       Universita Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain (2010-1011, 2011-2012) –postgraduate teaching and conference organizer

International Conferences and related activities
He has organized three international conferences in Greece –in 2006 and 2009 on social movements, and in 2007 on democracy.
1.       On the basis of papers presented at the 2009 conference (‘Rioting and Violent Protest in Comparative Perspective: Theoretical Considerations, Empirical Puzzles’), he co-edited (with Hank Johnston) the volume Violent Protest, Contentious Politics, and the Neoliberal State, Surrey, UK/Burlington, US: Ashgate.

He has participated, with original papers, in more than 40 international conferences, including conferences of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the International Sociological Association (ISA), and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).
He is the founder of the Research Group Contentious Politics and Social Movements of the Committee on Political Sociology –joint member of the International Political Science Association (IPSA), the International Sociological Association (ISA).


Involvement as key researcher in the EU project
Mainstream SocioCultural Dynamics to enhance NLLLS” (Acronym MASON)
Project number: 190986-LLP-2010-GR- KA1-KA1ECETB
LLP, Key Activity 1 –Policy Cooperation and Innovation (ECET B)
Coordinator: Foundation for Research and Technology –Hellas
Period: March 2011-February 2013.

Participation with presentations in International Workshops , Symposiums and Conferences

Presentation in MASON Workshop I: ‘Socio-cultural factors and practices shaping the lifelong learning landscape in Europe Implications for LLL policy coherence’ (Heraklion, EL, 17/1/12)

Presentation in MASON Workshop II: ‘Socio-Cultural Dynamics Influencing Progress in Lifelong Learning Systems. From National to Regional Perspectives’ (Sofia, BG 28/9/12)

Presentation in MASON Symposium ‘Promoting Place-Based Lifelong Learning Strategies in the EU’ (Barcelona, ES, 25/1/13)

Presentation entitled “the role of Greece’s universities in times of crisis” at the 10th PASCAL International Observatory conference ‘The role of Higher Education in local and regional social and economic development’ (Western Brittany University –UBO-, Brest, France, October 29-31, 2012)

Papers in refereed Journals
Kikis-Papadakis, K. & Kollias, A. (2012, March-April). E-reading: Socio-Cultural Dimensions of Resiliency and Low Achievement Among Disadvantaged Students in Europe. Educational Technology, LII(2), 18-24.


International cooperation – networks 2012-2013

International Conferences – invited talks      
·         Ladi, S. “Fast-forward Europeanization and Administrative Reform”, invited at Jean Monnet Seminar, Bilkent University, Ankara, 18th February 2013.
·         Ladi, S. “The Eurozone Crisis and Austerity Politics: A Trigger for Administrative Reform in Greece”, invited at Hellenic Observatory Research Seminar, LSE, 6th November 2012.
·         Ladi, S. and Lazarou, E., “Think-Tanks and Policy Transformation: The Case of Brazil”, invited at School Research Seminar Series, School of Business and Management, Queen Mary, University of London, 26th September 2012.
·         Ladi. S. “European Integration and Coercive Europeanization: What can we Learn from the Cases of Greece and Italy?”, presented at the conference Europeanization: Do we still miss the big picture, ULB, Brussels, 29-30 March 2012.
2.       Ladi, S. (2012), “Economic Crisis and Administrative Reform in Greece and in Cyprus: Opportunities and Constraints”, invited lecture at the University of Nicosia, Nicosia, 23 January 2012.

In April of 2013 I’ve been invited by the European Commission to evaluate FP7 large scale integrated research projects in Brussels.  In 2013 I’ve also been invited to act as an external examiner at Bergen University, Norway for a PhD on EU think tanks.  I often act as a referee in journals such as Governance, Public Administration, Political Studies Review, Comparative European Politics.
I am a member of the executive committee of the Greek Politics Specialist Group (GPSG) which is one of the most active groups of the Political Studies Association (PSA), UK.

I’ve set up an Erasmus agreement between Panteion University and Bilfrost University in Iceland that started in 2012-13. In October of 2012 (24/10/12), Dr Arni Magnus Magnusson visited Panteion and gave a talk titled ‘A European Path through Crisis?’. In September of 2013 one student from Panteion will go to Bilfrost.


Professors invited by  Centre for Political Research  of Panteion University (a.y. 2012-13):
Dorothée de Néve, Visiting Professor in FernUniversität Hagen, Germany (State and Governance Chair ). Lecture; «Post Democracy and Political Participation », 3-4-2013

Magnús Árni Magnússon, Associate Professor, Bifröst University, Bifröst 311, Borgarbyggð, Iceland. « A European Path Through Crisis? Economic Incentives for Iceland’s EU application”
Participation  of centre for Political Research  of Panteion University (a.y. 2012-13):

·         Network : ESSDA-SODANET-GR . Greek representation in CESSDA (Council of European Social Data Archives).
·         Cooperation in Comparative Candidate Survey (CCS) & Parliamentary Representation at National and European Levels. Comparative study of the identity, behaviour and socialization of national and European parliamentarians (PARENEL). International Porogram with over 30 countries participating. Coordinating instituition: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES), University of  Mannheim ,/Coordinator Hermann Schmitt. Τhe Centre for Political Research is cooperating with the  Laboratory of Applied Political Research of Aristotle University Thessaloniki which is the National Coordinator (Prof. Th. Hatzipantelis, Assistant Porfessor I. Andreadis and Lec. E. Teperoglou )


Participation in Scientific Revues and Programs (2010-2013)
·         Member of the Scientific Board of the revue “Etudes Balkaniques” (Paris/France)
·         Member of the Centre Pierre Belon/Études byzantines et néo-helléniques (EHESS)
·         Member of the Scientifique Program "Voisinages Fragiles dans le Sud-est Européen” (Institut Français d’ Athènes, University of Cyprus)
·         Academic Responsible for the Program « Colonialism and Post-Colonialism in Cyprus. The paradigm of the Turkish-Cypriot community”, University of Cyprus

Collaboration with other Universities in PhDs’ direction
·         Cotutelage with Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS): with Pr. Maurice Aymard and Pr. Hamit Bozarslan
·         Coordination for the tutelage of a PhD with Pr. Julles Pecaut -Ecole Normale Superieure (Paris).
·         Coordination for the tutelage of many PhDs with Pr. Selim Deringil and Pr. Eldem Edhem  University of Bosphorus (Istanbul).

Georges Faraklas has given six conferences at the University of Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne in december 2012 and january 2013 (general title: «Principle of experience» and «Principle of individuality». Epistemology and politics in Hegel) during a sabbatical semester, invited by professor Jean-François Kervégan, director of NoSoPhi (Normes Sociétés Philosophies, http://nosophi.univ-paris1.fr/).


I. Lectures and Visiting Professor
1.‘Aspects of the Greek Crisis and their Articulation within the European Context’, University of Cambridge: Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages: Modern Greek Section & Faculty Of Classics, November 15 2012
2. ‘Europe’, ‘Turkey’ & Greek Self-Identity: Antinomic Mutual Perceptions’, LSE / H.O., January 2011
3.    Visiting Professor at Princeton 1999
4.    Visiting Professor at the École des Hautes Études, Paris 2005
5.    Visiting Professor at the the European University Institute Florence, 2009
6.    Visiting Professor, Birkbeck College, University of London, 2010

II. Research Programs
 Participation in the European research Program of the European University Institute,Florence, under the direction of Claudius Gellert: The title of the Program was «Ιnnovation and Αdaptation in Ηigher Εducation. Τhe changing conditions of Αdvanced Τeaching and Learning in Εurope». The results of this research Program were published in the special series of  the Journal Ηigher Εducation Ρolicy by Jessica Κingsley pubs. London Co-ordinator along with Prof. Ρiter Μitev, in the Balkan Research Program co-organized by the Sociological Societies of Balkan countries entitled: «Εuropean Consciousness Formation in the Βalkans»
Participation in the European Program  ‘Ιntelligence de la Μediterranée’ coordinated by the French National Social Sciences Research  Centre (CΝRS). In addition I presented a paper on : ‘Le populisme dans les medias grecs’,in the conference organized by it with the title  «Les Νouvelles Τechnologies de la communication. Les Τransformations socioculturelles en Εurope Μeridionnale, en Τurquie et les pays voisins», CΝRS, in conjunction with the European Commission, Direction Générale xiii: Τelecommunications, marche de l’information, valorisation de la recherche (CCΕ), Ρrogramme: Ιntelligence de la Μediterranée, Antalya, Turkey 15-20 March 1994.
 Participation in the Research programs of the European Centre for Technical and Professional Education (CΕDΕFΟΡ) under the title ‘Εducational and Social Νeeds inEurope: Μodels and Μethodologies’, Berlin,  since 1990.

ΙΙΙ. European and international Scientific Reviews and . Associations

1. Member of the European editorial committee of the review Liber for a decade up to its closure.
2. Member of the broader editorial committee of the review Cahiers d’Études de la Μediterranée orientale et du monde Τurco-Ιranien (CΕΜΟΤΙ).

 β. Member of Social Sciences and Humanities societies

1. Member  of Consortium of Ηigher Εducation Researchers (CΗΕR).
 2.  Member of Εuropean Ηigher Εducational Society (ΕΑΙR).
3. Member for the past eight years of the Anglo Hellenic League Committee for the selection of a book linked with its annual Book Award

IV. Co-Supervision of European Doctoral theses

Paris II, University, Institut d’Études Médiatiques, Athina Skoulariki, «Au nom de la nation. Le discours public en Grèce sur la question macédonienne et le rôle des médias (1991-1995)», Université de Paris II, March 2005
Paris University, Institut d’Études Politiques, Gilles Bertrand Le Conflit Helléno-turc, publishedMaisonneuve & Larose / IFEA, Paris, 2003
University of Bremen Federal Republic of Germany and Nicosia University, Department of Political Sciences: the thesis of Niyazi Kizilyurek, ‘The Cyprus Conflict and International Relations of Dependency’, 1990
V. European and International Publications
Α.  Books
(Kosovo: Dvostruka hibris. Nadzor I kazna, translated in Serbo-Croatian by Jelena Femic-Kasapis,pubs. Zavod za udzbenike I nastavna sredstva 2005, and partially translated in Albanian, Kosovo, hē dittē hyvris, pub. Open Library, Kosovo War , 2009).

Β. Studies and Essays in Social Sciences Reviews and Collective Edited Volumes

1.       Stephanos Pesmazoglou, «Islam: Western Modes of Use and Abuse», στο Hakan Yιlmaz και Çağla E. Aykaç (edited.), Perceptions of Islam in Europe: Culture, Identity and the Muslim ‘Other’, I. B. Tauris, Λονδίνο και Νέα Υόρκη 2012, ps. 37-48.
2.       «Skarlatos Vyzantios’s Konstantinoupolis: Difference and Fusion», σ. 23-78, στο Lorans Tanatar Baruh και Vangelis Kechriotis (επιμ.), Economy and Society on Both Shores of the Aegean, Banque Ottomane / Alpha Bank, Historical Archives, 2010.

3.       Cambridge in Athens, Neo-Hellenic Studies in Cambridge Present and Future, Pubs. Periplous, 2009, σ. 39-48.

4.       «L’Université Grecque: paradoxes et problèmes majeurs», in Christophe Charle & Charles Soulie (ed.), Les ravages de la “modernisation” universitaire en Europe, Areser-Syllepse, Paris 2007, ps. 127- 144, in association with Sociologie Historique de la Politique de l’Ιnstitut Universitaire de France.

5.        «Kosovo: “La Guerre de Troie n’aura pas lieu”», Balkaniologie, Revue d’études pluridisciplinaires, vol. VIII, n. 1, Paris, June 2004 ps. 123-147].

6.       «Kosovo: Supervision and punishment as hubris. Aspects of Serbian Territorialism and American Globalism», in the philosophical revue TEME, v. 1, Νic, co-sponsored by the ‘Open Society’, March 2003, σ. 7-79.

7.       «Social sciences and the humanities for understanding – not dictating» («Sotsialnite Nauki za rajburatelstvo a ne za diktat»), in the collective volume , (“Ethnokulturen dialog na Balkanite” (An Ethno-cultural dialogue for the Balkans),pub. Financial Consulting Group, Sophia 2001, ps. 227-244.

8.       «Critica del helenocentrismo y del nasionalismo. Las principales corrientes politicas e ideologicas en la Grecia actual», in the volume Traducir al otro, traducira Grecia, Miguel Gomez Ediciones, Cedma, Malaga 2000,ps. 113-124,translated in Spanish by Ioanna Nikolaidou.

9.       «The Cyprus Problems», Essay Review, in: Modern Greek Studies Association (MGSA),vol. 18, June 2000, ps. 203-212.

10.   «Universities, the Social Sciences, and Civil Society»,Journal Higher Education in Europe,vol. ΧΧΙV,n. 4, 1999, ps. 493-507.

11.   «Ρatterns of studies in Greek Universities: Α micro-level approach of four disciplines», in Claudius Gellert (edit.), Ιnnovation and Αdaptation in Ηigher Εducation, Τhe Changing Conditions of Αdvanced Τeaching and Learning in Εurope, Jessica Κingsley Publishers in the special series Ηigher Εducation Ρolicyn. 22, London 1999,chapt. 9, ps. 191-210.

12.   «Some Fallacies in Perceiving Greek University Education», in D. Keridis-Chr. Sfatos (edited), Greek Higher education. Prospects for Reform, Pella Publishing Company 1998, p. 63-71.

13.   «Inventing a Curriculum for the Social Sciences: Some Presuppositions for the Redefinition of Scholarship», Higher Education in Europe,vol. XXIII,n. 4, December 1998, ps. 447-460.

14.   «“Otekilik” Uzerine bazi yontemsel yorumlar», in the volume Tarih egitimi ve tarihte “oteki” sorunu, (text translated into Turkish from English) «Some methodological comments on history writing and teaching», collective volume  History Education and the «other in history», proceedings of the second History Conference on the topic by the Economic and Social Ηistory Foundation,publ. Tarih Vakfi Yurt Yayinlari 62, Ιstanbul 1998, ps. 7-12.

15.   «The force of prejudice in Balkan Historiography. A hypothesis on the Greek-Turkish mental entanglement», in Bozidar Jaksic (edited.), Interculturality versus Racism and Xenophobia, Belgrade, 1998, ps. 235-243.

16.   «Turkey and Europe, Reflections and Refractions: Towards a Contrapuntal Approach», South European Society & Politics,vol. 2,n. 1, Frank Cass, London Summer 1997, ps. 138-159.

17.   «“La Genèse Eurocentrique de l’intolérance aux Balkans”: Le cas Grec», Association Internationale d’Études du Sud-Est Européen, (AIESEE), Bulletinn. 26-27, Bucharest, 1996-1997, ps. 217-224.

18.   «Southern Europe and the Balkans: Shifting Comparative Frameworks and their Impact in European Consciousness Formation: Some Scattered Thoughts and Arbitrary Guidelines», in Petar-Emil Mitev και Jim Riordan (edit.), Europe The Young The Balkans, International Centre for Minority Studies and Intercultural Relations, Sophia 1996, ps. 46-56.

19.   α. «Les Intellectuels Grecs et le repli Hellenocentrique», στο περ. Liber, τχ. 26, Μάιος 1996. β. «De grekiska intellektuella och det hellenocentriska atertaget», in  Ord & Bild, n. 3-4, Stockholm 1996, p 1-4. γ. «Los Intelectuales Griegos Y el repliegue Hellenocentrico», in  El Urogallo, n. 120, Μadrid, Μay 1996, p. 56-60.

20.   «Medias, éducation et identité européenne», στο L’Éducation des adultes, instrument de développement des Ressources Humaines, dans l’Union Européenne de l’an 2000. First European Conference on Life-long Learning Ministry of Education and the support of the European Commission, 1995, p. 87-96.

21.   «Ιdéologie, Ρolitique et Μédias en Grèce», journal Cahiers d’études sur la Μéditerranée orientale et le monde turco-iranien, Centre d’Études et de Recherches Internationales (CΕRΙ) and Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques, n. 18, July-December 1994, ps. 283-305.

22.   «Government Ιdeology and the University Curriculum in Greece», Εuropean Journal of Εducation,vol. 29,n. 3, 1994, ps. 291-304.

23.   «Τhe 1980s in the Looking-Glass», in Richard Clogg (edited.), Greece, 1981-89. The Populist Decade, ΜacMillan, St. Martin’s Press 1993, ps. 95-113.

24.   «Greek Universities: Europe during socio-political and Institutional constraints», στο περ. Higher Education Policy [Τhe Quarterly Journal of the International Association of Universities (ΙΑU)], Kogan Page,vol. 5,n. 4, December 1992, p. 23-28.

25.   «Τechnical and Εducational assistance to Greece: Α case-study of certain post-war realities and mythologies», in Μodern Greek Studies Υearbook, University of Μinessota, vol. 5, 1989.
26.   «Current trends in Greek Ηistoriography», στον τόμο Μodern Greek Studies Υearbook, University of Minnesota, vol. 5, 1989

27.   «Some economic aspects of education», in the special edition of the Journal of the Ηellenic Diaspora, vol. VΙΙ, n. 2-3, 1981.

28.   A criticism of the collective volume by John Brennan, Maurice Kogan και Ulrich Teichler (επιμ.), Higher Education and Work, Higher Education Policy Series: 23, Kingsley, περ. Higher Education Policy, vol . 9, n. 4, London 1996, p. 333-340


International Research Activity of the Department

The Department of Communication, Media and Culture has been in operation since the academic year 1990-1991.The Department’s mission is the theoretical and historico-empirical exploration of the communicative phenomenon, the creation of administrators/executives with employment potential for the public services, public relations, and press offices of the public and private sector, the instruction and training of journalists and managerial staff for the daily press and magazine medium and for the electronic media, as well as preparing professionals for all types of communication and information. Our programmes are structured on the disciplines of media, communication, and culture in three informal (not recoded on the degree) specialized Orientations: a) Orientation of Culture and Cultural Management, b) Orientation of Media, c) Orientation of Communication. The Department also runs five research oriented and teaching workshops that combine theoretical study with practical work: a) New Technologies Workshop, b) Rhetoric and Language Workshop, c) Journalistic Workshop, d) Cultural Workshop, e) Advertising and Public Relations Workshop. The last three workshops are taught or supervised by the Orientations and attendance in these is compulsory.

International Scope of the Undergraduate Programme
The Department of Communication, Media and Culture of Panteion University, has entered twenty bilateral agreements over the period 2007-20013 with departments of related objects of study in the framework of the extended Erasmus map (Extended Erasmus University Charter). These bilateral agreements have been entered with twenty institutions of countries comprising the extended Erasmus map and concern the participation in anglophone, francophone, hispanophone and hellenophone (Greek-speaking Cyprian) programmes from the broader discipline of communication. Over the last 5 academic years 120 students of the Department took advantage of the possibility offered them by the Erasmus programme and these students carried out part of their studies abroad. Also over the last 3 academic years 30 students from abroad moved to the Department utilizing the Erasmus programme. The Panteion University participated in the Leonardo da Vinci Programme for Work Experience abroad through the Association of T.E.I. (Technical Education Institutes) up until the academic year 2008-2009.

At present, Panteion University’s new graduates (from the completion of their courses for the degree award up until three years after acquiring their degree), may participate in the Leonardo da Vinci Programme for Work Experience abroad through establishments for which funding of their programmes has been approved. These establishments are announced on Panteion University’s Secretariat of International Relations and European Union website and on the National Scholarships Foundation website (www.iky.gr), while participation in the programme through these occurs within the stated terms. In addition the Department participates in the Erasmus-Placement for realizing work experience abroad at undergraduate level.

International Scope of the Masters Programme
From the academic year 2011-2012 the Masters Programme in “Cultural Management” and generally the Department of Communication, Media and Culture is a member of the European network of centres of learning in cultural management and policy ENCATC (European Network of Cultural Administration Training Centres), with the aim of optimizing information, international communication and the mobility of its academic staff, undergraduates and graduates. This network which has over 100 members in 29 countries secures the exchange of knowledge, experience and methodology amongst its members and co-operates with European institutions and with UNESCO.

Academic Staff Mobility

The Department encourages the mobility and acquiring of experience of the academic staff which serve it at universities and research institutes abroad, such as the University of Princeton, the University of Toronto, the University of Cyprus, et al.
The total agreements entered by the Department in the framework of the Erasmus Programme make provision for the possibility of academic staff mobility. Benefiting from the possibilities of the specific programme, the Department’s academic staff have made 20 visits to departments of foreign institutions of higher education during the past five years.

Research programmes and works/projects

In the last half-decade members of the Department’s academic staff haven taken part or continue to be involved in a large number of externally funded research projects.
These works are summed up in the following table.

Research project Role of Funding
Bibliotheca Academica Translationum: traductions et circulation des savoirs su l’Antiquité gréco-romaine dans l’Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles (Centre ANHIMA, CNRS-EHESS) http://bat.ehess.fr Major Researcher Oxford Univ. (2000-1), AHRC (2001-4), CNRS (2005-7), Google (2010-11)
La Reconfiguration des pratiques culturelles et du genre à l’ère du numérique. Μember of DEPS - Département des études, de la prospective et des statistiques Qu'est ce que la création télévisuelle ?, Μember of  Agence Nationale de la Recherche (2008-11)
“Study on prevention and fighting illicit trafficking in cultural goods in Europe” Member CECOJI- CNRS (Paris), 2011.
Levels of language disturbance of Greek-speaking persons with aphasia: in relation to deficiencies of processing, mental impairment and therapy approaches. Thalis ESPA (2012- present)
GEMIC (Gender, Migration, Intercultural Interaction): Cultural Interactions in a European Perspective, WP
4 : « National Identity and the Media ». http://www.gemic.eu. Members (2) European Council (2008-11)
Les tendances de la mise en scène du politique dans les programmes télévisuels grecs Member Univ.Catholique de Louvain (2005-6)
European national museums: Identity politics, the uses of the past and the European citizen, sub-programme Mapping and Framing National Museums in Europe 1750-1950. Member European Council.
CARARE – Connecting Archaeology and Architecture for Europeana. Best Practice Network (http://www.carare.eu) Major Researcher  SIP / 7th FP, European Council (2009-12)
 Digitization and annotation of mobile monuments of the Ministry of Culture; A work of the Archaeological Service of the Ministry of Culture. Co-ordinator of the Research Programme «Information Society» (2007-8)
NEPOMUK – Networked Environment for Personal Ontology-based Management of Unified Knowledge. (http://nepomuk.semanticdesktop.org) Major Researcher Integrated Project 6th FP, European Council (2006-8)
EHRI - European Holocaust Research Infrastructure (http://www.ehri-project.eu) Member CP-CSA, European Council (2010-13)
ΥΑΣ –Network Infrastructure for the Humanistic Sciences (http://www.dyas-net.gr) Member Secretariat General of Research and Technology
Preparing DARIAH – Digital infrastructures for the arts and humanities (http://www.dariah.eu) Member e-Infrastructures programme, European Council (2008-11)
The impact of technology on museum work; Member Canadian Heritage Information Network (2008-9)
Compendium of cultural policies and trends in Europe. (http://www.culturalpolicies.net); Member European Council (2002- present )
Indicators for Independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies for the purpose of enforcing the rules in the AVMS Directive; Member European Council (2010)
Ville et Cinema Members (2) Université de Sorbonne ΙΙΙ (2008-present)
Meeting of Minds: European Citizens’ Deliberation on Brainscience; Member of the Advisory Committee European Council. (2005-7)
Planning and Administrating a System of Empirical documentation of Politcal and Social Radicalism in Greece; Researcher Thalis/ESPA (2010-present)
Developing and enhancing leadership skills for young managers in times of crisis: an innovative training package for European young professionals; Researcher LΕΟΝARDO DA VINCI Transfer of Innovation. European Council (2012 - present)
DMET (Digital music Education and Training) Major Researcher Culture 2000, European Council (2009 - present)
Lifestyles of women in Third Age; Major researcher Vichy (2008)
Driving behaviour and safety; Major researcher Ι.Ο.ΑΣ. «Panos  Mylonas» (2008)
Innovation and the Greek Business Space; Major researcher Communication Institute (2005-6)
‘The role of media in terms of its interaction with the wider information environment where they belong to as an information system’. Methodology for analysis, indicators-filters and variables that are used by the Media in order to understand the information environment; Major researcher ΓΕΕΘΑ (2009)
COST A20 - The impact of the Internet on the mass media in Europe
Major researcher Programme COST, European Council
COST A30 - East of West: Setting a New Central and Eastern European Media Research Agenda; Major researcher Programme COST, European Council
Comparative European New Media and Elections Project-CENMEP Members (3) European Council (2009)
The vote of expatriate Greeks; Member of Research Committee of the University of Athens (2010)
ATACD – A Topological Approach of Cultural Dynamics NEST / FP6, Major researcher European Council (2006-9)
Voices of Children; Major researcher European Council (2008-9)
Art Films, Universalism, and Greek Myths in Post-war Europe; Major researcher European Social Fund of Ε.Π. «Education & Life-long Learning»
Social media in Greece; Major researcher Communication Institute (2009)
Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Consumption; Major researcher Communication Institute, MRB Hellas & Globescan (2004-11)
Synoptically, all members of the academic staff are active independently, as can be seen from their activity in the area of research publications with publications in accredited journals, collective volumes, and participation in conferences.
From the collaborative research we distinguish the following which involve institutions abroad:
* International Union of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA)
* Centre d’Etudes des Images et des Sons Médiatiques (CEISME), Université Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle
* Laboratoire d’excellence ICCA (Industries culturelles et création artistique). Consortium Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3, Université Paris Descartes - Paris 5, Université Paris 13, École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs
* University of Sorbonne
* University of Hamburg
* Paris-Est- Centre Ceditec (Val de Marne)
* University of Amsterdam



Participation of the Department of Sociology in the network of the francophone Écoles Doctorales , called Redoc:  http://www3.unil.ch/wpmu/redoc/


A. International Activities a.y. 2012-13
1. Paper to be presented at “The 15th Conference Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2013)”, Barchelona, Spain, 25-28 June 2013.
Coxian Phase-type distributions for studying students’ length of graduation: Experience from an Italian and a Greek University

Aglaia Kalamatianou1, Adele H. Marshall2, and Mariangela Zenga3

1 Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Athens, c/o 32 Alexandrou Panagouli, Glyfada Attikis 16675 Greece (E-mail:AglaiaKalamatianou@gmail.com)
2 Centre for Statistical Science and Operational Research (CenSSOR) Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, BT7 1NNA, UK (E-mail:a.h.marshall@qub.ac.uk)
3 Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milano-Bicocca, Via B. degli Arcimboldi, 8, 20126 Milano, Italy (E-mail: mariangela.zenga@unimib.it)

2. Member of the Committes of “The 15th Conference Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis (ASMDA 2013)”, Barchelona, Spain, 25-28 June 2013.

3. Paper to be presented at an invited session of the “Conference of the International Federation Classification Societies (IFCS)”, Tilburg, The Netherlands, 14-17 July 2013.
Time to graduation: does gender make a difference?
An analysis of a Greek university.

Adele H. Marshall1 Aglaia Kalamatianou2 and Mariangela Zenga3

1 Department of Sociology, Panteion University of Athens, Greece, AglaiaKalamatianou@gmail.com
2 Centre for Statistical Science and Operational Research (CenSSOR) Queens University of Belfast, UK a.h.marshall@qub.ac.uk
3 Department of Statistics and Quantitative Methods, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, mariangela.zenga@unimib.it

B Ιndicative references  to my sientific work by authors abroad
Mariangela Zenga, Marshall H. Adele, Giordano Sabrina, Modelling Students' Length of Stay at University Using Coxian Phase-type Distributions, International Journal of Statistics and Probability, 2013, vol 2, No 1.

Marialuisa Restaino, DROPPING OUT OF UNIVERSITY OF SALERNO: A SURVIVAL APPROACH, Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche e Statistiche, Università di Salerno, Italy, Email:mlrestaino@unisa.it

D.J. Bartholomew, Manpower Planning in N. Balakrisnan (Ed.) Mathods and Applications of statistics in Business, Finance, and Management Science. 2010, John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey. pp. 226-229

Bartholemew, D. J., A. F. Forbes and S. I. McClean (1991) “Statistical Techniques for Manpower Planning” John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester.

Roberto Moscati (1988) “Editorial: Higher education in Southern Europe different speeds or different paths towards modernisation?” European journal of education, Vol 23, No 3, pp. 189-194

B. Parker, D. Caine (1996) “Holonic modelling: human resourse planning and the two faces of janus” International journal of manpower, Vol. 17, N. 8, pp. 30-45

Peter Riley Bahr, Wayne State University Detroit, USA. Educational attainment as process: Using hierarchical discrete time event history analysis to model rate of progress, Research in Higher Education, 2009, vol 50, no 7, 691-714

Kate Nicholls, Europeanizing responses to labour market challenges in Greece, Ireland, and Portugal: The importance of consultative and incorporative policy making. Ph. D. Graduate Program in Political Science, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, 2007

LCDR Daniel P Kinstler, LCDR Raymond W Johnson, Anke Richter, PhD; Kathryn Kocher, Navy Nurse Corps Manpower Management, WORKING PAPER SERIES 2005/11, Defence Resources Management Institute

Dana V. Tesone, Denver Severt, Monica L. Carpenter, University of Central Florida
Modern Learning Theories Provide Applications For Distance Learning Practice, Journal of College Teaching & Learning – May 2008 Volume 5, Number 5, 17-24

D. V. Tesone, P. Ricci (2008) “Student perceptions of web-based instruction: A comparative analysis” Journal of online learning and teaching, Vol. 4, N. 3, September 2008.

Gérard Lassibille, Student Progress in Higher Education: What We Have Learned from Large-Scale Studies, The Open Education Journal, 2011, 4, 1-8

 Sang-hyun Park, Seung-jun Yeon, Sang-wook Kim Building a Dynamic Manpower Planning Model: Focused on the Information Security Manpower Policy of Korea

Noor Azina Ismail,Department of Applied Statistics Faculty of Economics and Administration University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, E-mail: nazina@um.edu.my, GRADUATES’ CHARACTERISTICS AND UNEMPLOYMENT: A STUDY AMONG MALAYSIAN GRADUATES, International Journal of Business and Social Science Vol. 2 No. 16; September 2011

V. S. S. Yadavalli, R. Natarajan & S. Udayabhaskaran  TIME DEPENDENT BEHAVIOR OF STOCHASTIC MODELS OF MANPOWER SYSTEM—IMPACT OF PRESSURE ON PROMOTION, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Volume 20, Issue 4, 2002 863-882


Keamogetse S. Optimization and estimation study of manpower planning models, Ph.D in mathematical statistics, University of Pretoria, 2007

S. P. Ponnaiya (1998) “A study of stochastic models of manpower systems” PhD thesis, Department of Mathematics, Presidency College (autonomous), University of Madras, Chennai.

            Director of the Postgraduate Program of Criminology
           ( Section of Criminology –Department of Sociology)

1.       I have signed 3 bilateral agreements of academic exchange in the context of Erasmus Programme with the Universities:
·         Nottingham Trent University (U.K.),
·         Teesside university (U.K.),
·         Université de Lausanne (Suisse).

2.       Member of international scientific societies:
·         International Society of Criminology [and member of the Scientific Committee]
·         European Society of Criminology
·         Association of the Francophone Criminologists.

3.       Member of the Comité de Lecture of the Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique
4.       Reviewer for:
·         the European journal of Criminology,
·          la Revue de Criminologie, Victimologie et Sécurité (www.vittimologia.it/rivista<http://www.vittimologia.it/rivista>) and
·         the Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique
5.       Member of the European Governance of Public Safety Network
6.      Member of the Groupe Européen de Recherches sur les Normativités (GERN)
7.       Contact Person (as director) for the Master of Criminology in Panteion University in the Observatory on Academic Criminology Programs (http://www.criminology-programs.org/)
8.       Member of the Work Group of EL.STAT., for the European Statistics on the Safety from Crime, (2012).
9.       Scientific and organizational Programme Coordinator of international conferences, i.e.:
·         International Conference “The profession of criminologist today: content, challenges and prospects”, Panteion University 21&22 October 2011, [see the Proceedings (Ch.Zarafonitou, Editor), Legal Library Publ. (Nomiki Vivliothiki), Athens, 2012
·          23rd Annual Conference of European Society for Social Drug Research (ESSD), Panteion University, 4-6/10/2012
·         Special seminar on  “Area, crime & (in)security”, as part of the module “City and criminality, feelings of unsafety and punitiviness”, (Professor Christina Zarafonitou) at Monday 1st of April 2013, 18.00-21.00), with the participation of Professors from Nottingham Trent University (U.K.) and Greek experts under the framework of the ERASMUS educational exchange programme co-signed by the two institutions.

10.    Editor of:
·         Zarafonitou Ch. (Εd.), The profession of criminologist today: content, challenges and prospects, Proceedings of the International Conference, Panteion University 21&22 October 2011, Legal Library Publ. (Nomiki Vivliothiki), Athens , 2012
·         Zarafonitou Ch. (Guest Editor), “Fear of crime. A comparative approach in the European context”, Special Issue of CRIMINOLOGY, October 2011

11.    Author of numerous criminological articles published in European and International criminological journals and participation in numerous international criminological conferences (for details please visit: http://criminology.panteion.gr/en/teaching-staff/postgraduate-programme-teaching-staff/zarafonitou-m-christina and http://panteion.academia.edu/ChristinaZarafonitou )

12.    Indicatives citations of my papers in international level:
•          Irma Kovčo Vukadin, Tajana Ljubin Golub, “Fear of Crime in Zagreb, Croatia: Gender Differences in the Face of Incivilities and Prior Victimization”, VARSTVOSLOVJE, Journal of Criminal Justice and Security, year 14 no. 4, pp. 435-459
•          Alicia Halsem (Ed.), Crime: Causes, Types and Victims, Nova Sciences Publ., New York, 2011
•          H. Hirtenlehner, S. Farrall, “Anxieties about Modernization, Concerns about Community, and Fear of Crime: Testing Two Related Models”, International Criminal Justice Review, 2013
•          R.J.Homant, “Risky altruism, criminal victimisation, fear of crime and security mindedness”, Journal of Security Applied Research, 8/2013, 203-221
•          Vincent F. Sacco and Anne Marie Grondin, The fear of crime within immigrant populations, Department of Sociology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario
•          Cathleen Kappes, geb. Hubert, Disentangling the Victimization-Fear Paradox: An Emotional Developmental Perspective on Precautious Behavior, Vom Fachbereich I Erziehungs- und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hildesheim zur Erlangung des Grades einer Doktorin/eines Doktors der Philosophie (Dr. phil.), 06.11.2012, Hildesheim

I Supervision Erasmus Students
2011-present Vice-President of the International Society for Shamanistic Research (ISSR)
  Direction of research programs with the official approval of the Ministry of Interior of Malaysia and in collaboration with the University of Malaya (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia). In particular:
  2012-present   Title of the research project: “The Encounter Between Traditional Medicine and Biomedicine among the Batek and Jahai Ethnic Groups” [Head of Research: Diana Riboli]
2004-2011  Title of the research project: “Traditional Medicine and Traditional Beliefs among the Semang-Negrito of Peninsular Malaysia” [Head of Research: Diana Riboli]
  Riboli’s works are translated and published in Greek, English, Italian, German, Chinese, Russian

Research Committee on Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture: RC14
President (since 2006) of Research Committee on Sociology of Communication, Knowledge and Culture: RC14  of International Sociological Association
Member of the Board of the  Association  Internationale de Sociologues de la langue française (1996-2004 & 2008-2016 -4 mandates !) http://w3.aislf.univ-tlse2.fr/spip/index.php
Scientific advisor and founding member of research committees 12 (Récits, fiction, culture et société) και 21 (Socio-Anthropologie Politique).
Scientific responsible (in the framework of the 18th International conference  ÊTRE EN SOCIÉTÉ. Le lien social à l'épreuve des cultures) “Images Médiatiques et Imaginaire contemporainConstantinople 7-11/7/2008.
Scientific advisor –program coordinator (in the framework of the 1st International Forum of Sociology “Social Research and Public Debate) for sessions Sociological Research and Transformations in Communication, Barcelona  5-8/9/2008.
Program coordinator (in the framework of the 17th  World Congress of Sociology “Sociology on the Move”) for sessions “Communication, Knowledge and Culture on the Move” Gothenburg 11-17/7/2010.a
President of Organizational and Scientific Committee of International Sociological Conference («Culture et Barbarie, Communication et Société Contemporaine”), Panteion University , International Sociological Association, Association  Internationale de Sociologues de la langue française, Athens, 26-28 Μay 2011.
Program Coordinator  of 2nd Forum of Sociology “Social Justice and Democracy, sessions “Justice and Democracy in the Contemporary Culture, 1-4/8/2012 http://www.isa-sociology.org/forums-of-sociology.htm).
Program Coordinator RC14 of the 18th World Conference of sociology  which will take place in Yokohama, 13-19/7/2014, with main subject: Facing an Unequal World, Challenges for a Global Sociology.  RC14 sessions’ subject is: Communication and Culture in one Unequal World.

Μember of scientific committees of world revues (eg SocioAnthropologie, Paris - Les Cahiers de M@gm@Collection sur papier de la revue internationale M@gm@ en sciences humaines et sociales Aux éditions Aracne, Rome – Italie, French Journal for Media Research, Sociétés etc .).



1. Publication of the proceedings of the International Congress “The Profession of the Criminologist Today: Content, Challenges and Prospects”, which was organized at Panteion University, 21-22 October 2011, by the Postgraduate Studies Programme “Contemporary Criminality and Its Confrontation” in cooperation with the Association of Greek Criminologists of Panteion University. Nomiki Vivliothiki Publications, Athens 2012 (Editor: Prof. Chr. Zarafonitou).
2. 23rd Annual Conference of the European Society for Social Drug Research (ESSD), Athens 4-6 October 2012, co-organized by the Postgraduate Studies Programme In Criminology, Panteion University, with the participation of over 30 foreign and quite as many Greek experts and a large attendance.
3. Special “open” seminar: “European Social Survey (ESS) - A Decade of Data (2002-2012)”, which was presented on 20th January 2012 at the Postgraduate Studies Programme in Criminology by the research group of the National Centre of Social Research, within Dr. I. Tsiganou’s course.
4. Lecture on “Post-modernity and Law: the Unmentionable Death of the Modern Subject” by Prof. Michael Lianos (Université de Rouen) on 25th April 2012 at the Postgraduate Studies Programme in Criminology, within Ass. Prof. G. Nikolopoulos’s course.
5. The Postgraduate Studies Programme of Panteion University has organized a special seminar on “Area, crime & (in)security”, as part of the course “City and criminality, feelings of insecurity and punitiviness”, (Professor Christina Zarafonitou) on Monday 1st April 2013, 18.00-21.00). Professors from Nottingham Trent University (U.K.) and Greek experts have participated within the framework of the ERASMUS educational exchange programme co-signed by the two institutions.
6. Two agreements for the exchange of undergraduate and postgraduate students, doctoral students and teaching staff were signed with the Universities of Lausanne and Nottingham Trend (UK) within the ERASMUS programme. A third agreement with the University of Teesside (UK) is also signed.
7. Registration of the Postgraduate Studies Programme in Criminology in the European and International Observatory of Criminal Studies.
8. International activity of all the members of the Section of Criminology and the teaching staff of the Postgraduate Studies Programme in Criminology of Panteion University, from which both the Postgraduate Programme and the University altogether benefit.





Academic Coordinator – 17 Bilateral Agreements in the framework of LLP/ERASMUS

Visiting Professor in Faculty of Law –European University of Cyprus

Lectures at universities abroad:  Université  Nice - Sophia Antipolis (FR) , Université Montpellier I (FR) CNRS (FR), University of Lodz (PL),  Pavol Josef University  in Safarik (SK),  The Hague University of Professional Education (NL), University of Cyprus (CY)

Invitations to professors for   teaching in Department of Public Administration (2013):
S. Maccagnan, K. Deharby  (Nice)
Konstantas (Lithuania)
Alexandroupoulou Cyprus)

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Academic Coordinator – 17 Bilateral Agreements in the framework of LLP/ERASMUS

Visiting Professor in Faculty of Law –European University of Cyprus

Lectures at universities abroad:  Université  Nice - Sophia Antipolis (FR) , Université Montpellier I (FR) CNRS (FR), University of Lodz (PL),  Pavol Josef University  in Safarik (SK),  The Hague University of Professional Education (NL), University of Cyprus (CY)

Invitations to professors for   teaching in Department of Public Administration (2013):
S. Maccagnan, K. Deharby  (Nice)
Konstantas (Lithuania)
Alexandroupoulou Cyprus)