
Modern Greek Language Courses

The Greek Language Courses offered by Panteion University to all Erasmus incoming students upon request, take place at the Kapodistrian University of Athens (UoA), namely the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre.
Erasmus incoming Students who are interested in attending Greek Language Courses, after their arrival in Athens and their registration at Panteion University, should visit the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre at Panepistimioupoli (Zografou), next to the Faculty of Philosophy 

(for transportation instructions, check: http://en.greekcourses.uoa.gr/transportation-access.html).

The registration dates for each semester will be notified to students through email and announced in a separate posting on our website.
In order to be registered for the courses, students should deposit the admission fees to the bank account set by UoA (http://en.greekcourses.uoa.gr/general-information.html ) and then submit to the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre the following :

1.         A copy of their registration certificate (or Acceptance Letter ) issued by Panteion University
2.         The bank extrait/receipt of deposit
3.         A copy of their passport / I.D. card
4.         One photograph (passport size)

Please, keep in mind that after the deposit, the fees are not refunded due to cancellation or non-attendance.

Panteion University returns the fees to the students upon successful attendance, as follows:

Students who successfully complete their Greek Language studies (at least 80% attendance) and pass the relevant exam are granted 6 ECTS credits per semester, through a certificate of successful attendance issued by the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre.  Students then have to submit this certificate as well as receipt of payment (which they receive by the Modern Greek Language Teaching Centre) , to our office in order to receive full refund of the fees.