
Implementation and Organization of European and International Mobility

  The Panteion University implements European and International Mobility through the Institution’s International Relations and European Union Office. The Program is coordinated by the Institutional Coordinator assisted by Departmental Coordinators and the Erasmus Committee consisting of academic coordinators, selected by the Senate. The Erasmus Office consists of one administrative member, three external administrative assistants, all highly qualified and one administrative person partly monitoring Erasmus Mobility at each Department. The Erasmus office has adopted accurate measures based on strict criteria, academic rules and highly defined qualifications in order to proceed to the student, teaching and training staff mobility. Promotional and guidelines meetings, organized by the International Office, take place twice a year. The Panteion ESN frames all our efforts to organize supplementary events to the profit of the Erasmus “Society” and take the necessary steps to promote and advance the European and International Mobility. Our site on the Internet supports the communication among University society’s members combined with the face- to –face meeting taking place three days per week in an equipped hall, Internet, leaflets, information packages for international studies. The Bilateral Agreements are signed by the Rector who is the legal representative of the Institution, after they have been examined as to the academic added value.